Covid measures taken in Service Apartments
Here is how Hiline handled COVID-19 and is constantly striving to reduce the risk of exposure:
Precautions(For Both Guests & Staffs): Wearing a mask is mandatory for both guests and staff. Each and every single person entering the premises should maintain social distancing, at least a 1 meter distance.
Check-ins: Booking can be done virtually or you can call and confirm your booking rather standing in queues.
Installation of Hand Rubs: Hand sanitizer dispensers are placed in every nook and corner of our apartment. Floors are cleaned periodically and disinfected in all high touch areas. Bins are also placed for disposing tissues safely.
Services: In Spite of COVID-19 pandemic, our staff are available round the clock. Room surfaces and bed linens are cleansed then and there to cut down the risk.
Extra Staffs: We have rostered additional staff to regularly sanitize common areas and surfaces. We also disinfect the check-out rooms as soon as the guest vacates.
Here at Hiline, we are following all the safety procedures as per the guidelines given by authorities.